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Vaccination coverage standard

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Key points
  • Vaccination is one the most impactful and cost-effective public health intervention available, preventing over 4 million deaths annually
  • Vaccination against measles and polio for children is an absolute priority and measles vaccine coverage rates of 95% or greater are needed to prevent outbreaks
  • The standard applies to all operational settings, including both camp and out of camp settings
  • As you prepare a mass vaccination campaign against measles and polio, plan in parallel to restore or set up the EPI (expanded programme on immunization), in coordination with national authorities and partners

Post emergency phase

The above standards apply to both emergencies and long-term phases. In addition:

  • Once routine immunization services (EPI) have been established, at least 90% of children aged between 0 and 12 months have received 3 doses of either (a) DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) or (b) pentavalent vaccine (depending on which of the two serves as a proxy indicator for full immunization coverage). 

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