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Access to territory and non-refoulement

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Key points
  • Know that a failure to intervene consistently to refoulement-related incidents, or ensure effective internal information sharing, can have serious consequences for refugee protection, as well as important reputational risks for UNHCR. If an individual (or group) is at risk of refoulement or has been refouled, UNHCR must undertake either a direct or an indirect (e.g. through a partner) intervention, as appropriate in the context.
  • Remember that working with States and other actors to ensure access to territory and prevent and respond to refoulement is a core responsibility of UNHCR in accordance with the international protection function prescribed under its Statute.
  • Build a network with refugees, civil society and other partners (including UN agencies); they can alert you to refugee movements, as well as instances of refoulement.
  • Engage with relevant State authorities, including those working at the border, airports or place of detention, and continually raise and train them on the principle of non-refoulement and protection sensitive entry systems, including to allow access to territory and asylum procedures for any individual who indicates a fear of return.
  • Review and familiarize yourself with the 2022 UNHCR internal Administrative Instructions and Operational Guidelines on Preventing and Responding to Refoulement. In particular, be aware of the mandatory requirements for all operations to report refoulement incidents internally and to notify their Bureau and DIP of incidents for which escalation or support is likely to be needed, as well as significant refoulement-related incidents or situations (whether or not escalation is foreseen or needed).

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