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Coordination on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

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Key points
  • Ensure that structures for inter-agency coordination on PSEA are established from the outset of the emergency
  • Take lead in establishing and coordinating in-country PSEA Networks in refugee emergencies
  • Actively engage in in-country PSEA Networks in non-refugee emergencies in collaboration with other actors
  • Ensure close coordination with all concerned sectors / clusters for PSEA to be effectively mainstreamed across the emergency response

Post emergency phase

While risks of SEA are particularly elevated in an emergency context, SEA can occur in any context where the UN and its partners operate and are providing aid to people in need. Therefore, effective PSEA coordination for must continue in the post emergency phase.

A post-emergency phase normally provides opportunities to deepen and make more sustainable responses, and it is important that PSEA, as a cross-cutting priority, is integrated across post emergency interventions and coordination structures. This may include, for example, enhancing coordination and engagement on PSEA with a broader range of actors and stakeholders, including government authorities and development actors.

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